Is Ccleaner Safe to Use Again?

CCleaner review, CCleaner Free, CCleaner Pro review.

CCleaner, Windows cleanup app, has faced several bug throughout 2017 that have ruined its reputation completely. The nearly curious thing is that this happened later on Avast acquired the application programmer company in July 2017.

Users of the nigh pop utility CCleaner, designed to make clean and optimize the Windows operating system family unit, criticized the developers of Piriform. The fact is that in the new version of CCleaner (5.45), an unrelated "Agile Monitoring" program was detected. Dissimilar previous versions, five.45 simply did not accept advisable privacy settings to eliminate this impersonal data collection.

Just the other day, users of laptops and Windows PCs stirred up the news that everyone's favorite CCleaner Free system cleanup plan contains malicious software. According to the latest data, more than than 2.27 meg computer users around the world faced the problem of malicious Trojan through CCleaner.

Today, almost every user of Windows Os heard at to the lowest degree something almost CCleaner. Many people recommend information technology, both online and only in conversations. Some users claim that CCleaner does some incredible miracles with PC, others say it does admittedly nothing. And so we are hither to respond the rather pop question: does PC demand CCleaner at all? And exercise you need to install it? Well, nosotros have the answer: no. Allow's figure out why.

Pros and Cons


  • Real-fourth dimension trouble monitoring. CCleaner Pro will automatically run in the groundwork when the organisation starts and monitor the computer without user involvement.
  • Scheduled scans and cleanups. It is enough to prepare which items and how often you desire to delete in one case, and all this will be done automatically.
  • Automatically updates the program in the background.
  • The disk cleaner will remove traces of deleted files that can exist used to restore them.
  • All in one. No other software installation is required to maintain the organization fully. CCleaner Professional person includes all necessary functions.
  • Low weight of the plan afterwards installation and lack of demand for system resources. Suitable for use even on weak and older PCs considering it takes well-nigh no disk or memory infinite.


  • A unproblematic software uninstaller that is non very different from the traditional arrangement Install and Remove Programs, while at that place is too no batch deletion.
  • Aggressive registry cleanup tool. During the operation, at that place is a hazard of damaging some important files, which can pb to unpleasant consequences.
  • Near of the features of the utility are already bachelor in Windows. Malware risks.
  • Suitable mainly for undemanding users. Information technology provides primitive disk analysis.
  • Arrangement Recovery does not allow y'all to create recovery points using CCleaner; simply existing ones created by organisation tools can be used. Information technology makes this functionality admittedly useless.
  • "Active Monitoring" utility. Every bit it was mentioned, this feature gathers personal data for tertiary parties.

Why Is CCleaner No Longer Condom?

CCleaner for Android, CCleaner is no longer safe.

Nowadays, you tin hear about many reasons why yous don't need CCleaner at all. Nosotros've already mentioned some serious drawbacks we couldn't ignore, but it is worth reconsidering them.
Let's offset with some technical aspects. It is worth remembering that CCleaner has a rather ambitious registry cleanup tool. Without knowing some of the subtleties of the registry device, an inexperienced user risks harming the system past deleting rarely used just important files. It can crusade both program failures and complete system failure.

CCleaner has impressive functionality. Yet, it performs each task at a very medium level. CCleaner volition exist suitable for elementary infrequent system cleaning and some modest optimization. But those who need more elaborate tools that produce a noticeable result should look towards more specialized software. Moving further, Piriform, the developers of CCleaner, decided to ignore custom update settings. The movement caused widespread discontent amid users who noticed the app was updated without their permission.

Another problem appeared in version 5.45 – Agile Monitoring, which collects data about your organization. Almost importantly, y'all can't disable this feature if yous attempt. Information technology will exist turned on automatically after a reboot or a subsequent startup of the application. Piriform made concessions and temporarily removed version 5.45, but despite this, users were non satisfied.

It is worth noting that this version continued to run in the background after closing, to unload the application, it was necessary to apply the task director considering the icon on the taskbar did not provide the function "close the application." Thus, CCleaner is constantly running in the background, collecting data for Avast. This is despite most users opening CCleaner as needed and asking not to collect this information.

One more CCleaner problem was an incident of breaking into a 32-bit version of the awarding, afterwards which it was infected by a Trojan that nerveless information about the system and could run capricious code. It is worth noting that the developers discovered the hack in time and closed the vulnerability to a moment of mass-calibration, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained.

After ownership CCleaner by Avast, the awarding fabricated the users' tired because of popular-upwards windows offering to switch to a paid version with automatic cleaning. During installation, CCleaner offers to install Avast antivirus and does information technology if you do non articulate the check mark in the corresponding checkbox.

CCleaner Main Features

CCleaner has ii purposes. First, it scans and removes useless files, freeing upwardly infinite on the user'due south computer. Second, it erases personal information, such as your browser history and lists of recently opened files in various programs. To some extent, CCleaner is a Disk Cleanup organization application that can free up disk space by deleting useless files, such as old temporary plan files, temporary Internet Explorer browser files, Windows fault reporting logs, etc. You can run this utility at any fourth dimension and gratuitous upwardly some space on your disk.

Browser History and Cookies

CCleaner review, CCleaner browser history and coockies cleaning.

Cookies are a blazon of browser data that stores site potency, shopping cart items, service settings, search queries, and the like. This type of data is part of the history of web browsers and is, past default, a part of the cleanup preset. The cookie cleanup procedure has several assignments.

Each of the browsers used must be configured separately, and a list of prohibited or allowed cookies must be created. But the CCleaner plan has a universal solution for this purpose. It allows you to create a listing of domains common to all browsers installed in the Windows environment as favorites, for which cookies will not be deleted when the same program cleans unnecessary data. And among the latest, include cache, history of visited spider web pages, history of downloads and, of course, cookies of all browsers installed on the computer.

First CCleaner, go to the program settings, open up the vertical tab "Cookies." In the center of the window, there is a list of domains for which cookies are stored in all browsers. When you select a domain beneath, yous will see specific browsers. Sometimes it is possible non to resort to complex cleaning of these browsers by CCleaner program simply to remove cookies only on individual sites. To do this, select the required domain from the list and click the option on its "Delete" context carte du jour. You can use domain searches for convenience.

CCleaner Registry Cleaner

CCleaner Registry Cleaner, CCleaner Review.

The CCleaner registry cleaner is an extension for unused and old files. So, it detects and deletes garbage entries in the Windows registry. They include corrupted files, ActiveX controls, deinstallators, shared file paths, aid files, fonts, shortcut messages, and more. Before cleaning, the utility proposes you to dorsum up the deleted registry branches in .reg file format. If there are whatsoever bug after the cleanup, yous simply need to double-click the saved file and concur to add data to the registry; the deleted branches volition be recreated.

CCleaner registry cleaning is one of the main functionalities. It is produced in semi-automated mode – first, the records that can be deleted are analyzed, and then the deletion itself takes identify. Nothing is manually removed from the registry, CCleaner checks its integrity and offers to remove simply those keys and branches that remain after uninstalled programs or every bit a effect of serious changes to the OS settings.

The organisation registry is cleaned from the tab with the concise proper noun "Registry." Y'all can maintain the default settings. Nonetheless, if you do this for the showtime time, I recommend that you keep a backup of the registry when prompted to do so.

Disable Unneeded Startup Programs

CCleaner has a rather effective Startup module, which is particularly useful for Windows maintenance. Its task is to disable the unnecessary startup programs in your system. CCleaner as well checks private components and removes unnecessary programs if necessary.

The Startup Manager disables running third-party programs when Windows starts, too every bit operating system task scheduler tasks. A good tool to assist those who accept Skype, Mail Agent, Amigo browser, and some other apps that shouldn't run in auto-launch together in Windows.

Cleaning Junk Files

CCleaner Junk Files cleaning.

Cleaning the system of temporary and garbage files tin undoubtedly be recognized as the nearly important function of the CCleaner program. Due to a large number of settings available for this selection, the user is ever able to set the required scan options for each supported application and system file search.

Junk files cleaning allows you to delete a whole agglomeration of different Windows files, standard operating system programs, and tertiary-party applications. Yous tin can quietly remove but temporary Windows files from this list, just if y'all do not want to contact Technical Back up for a trouble with a program, yous can delete memory dumps, Windows log files, and Windows Error Reports.

Free and Paid Packages

CCleaner is ane of the most popular "optimizers" of the system in the world. Besides as other popular solutions, CCleaner exists in 2 versions – gratis and paid, but dissimilar other programs, the free version of CCleaner is total-featured and not time-limited utilize.

CCleaner automatically finds, scans, cleans upward temporary files and optimizes most popular professional person programs, role applications, browsers, archivists, antivirus programs, multimedia players, and other software.

CCleaner Professional is an advanced solution for Windows optimization by Piriform, which provides a professional solution for the about enervating PC users. With the CCleaner Professional program, the user has access to personal service, which ever allows to quickly solve all technical issues and issues related to the operation of the application and optimization of the system.

What is the raison d'ĂȘtre of a paid version then? CCleaner Pro owners are provided with personal technical back up, and the program itself has added several extra options that are not too popular amongst most PC users.

CCleaner Pro review.

What else does Pro version provide:

  • Instant programs heave;
  • I-Click purges a system running whatever electric current version of Windows;
  • Fast viewing of web pages;
  • Eliminates information tracking and super cookies;
  • Significantly accelerate arrangement boot;
  • Maximizes functioning without buying a new PC;
  • Millions of users around the globe.

The professional version of CCleaner includes personal client technical support from the programmer.


CCleaner interface is quite simple and convenient – all necessary actions for optimization of the system can be performed only past a couple of clicks. Subsequently installing and running the CCleaner, you will see the main menu of the plan, which can exist divided into 3 parts.

  1. A menu of functional tools including computer cleanup items, a service carte du jour, and a menu of general plan settings.
  2. A section where you lot can cull exactly what you want to articulate. For example, you can cancel the Recycle Bin, and do not delete Quick Admission lists (the nigh frequently launched applications that appear on the left side of the Showtime carte).
  3. Information about the operations performed and a report on the program operation volition be displayed here during the cleaning process.
    With the intuitive CCleaner interface, fifty-fifty the most inexperienced and beginner PC users can fully utilize the program. All basic parameters of the intelligent scanner are set for minimal impact on the organization during the cleaning process, which allows starting using the plan without going into technical details and without fright of messing upwards annihilation.

CCleaner interface.

Do You Need CCleaner in 2022?

A huge number of programs have been created in the earth to clean Windows from the garbage. There are both paid and free programs. And absolutely any programme tries to attract the user past the fact that, with the help of their program, your system will piece of work faster. So, CCleaner does.

In fact, the increment is not large or quite insignificant, which is hardly visible. However, subsequently such CCleaner optimization, oftentimes the system does not work correctly: some settings are reset, the estimator re-caches images, browsers take to reload tabs because the enshroud is deleted.

CCleaner optimizes the system, but non very conspicuously. Afterward all, the calculator brakes more than often not because of the garbage accumulated in it, but considering of a lot of running applications and services. And the banal removal of unnecessary programs changes the situation for the better than cleaning the system of garbage.

Besides, every bit nosotros already know, CCleaner'south servers were hacked, and multiple computers and users were compromised. Of course, it was stock-still quite quickly, just the bad aftertaste remained. A even so popular organization cleanup tool now always works in the background, reporting "anonymous" information to the company's servers.

Abiding reminders of the transition to a paid subscription, disruptive and obscure updates are the reasons to get rid of CCleaner. These are the factors that initially pushed me away, but they added some more than Windows problems afterwards using CCleaner. So, I don't recommend you to use CCleaner considering it seems to exist a scam.

How to Uninstall CCleaner

Footstep i: Get to your PC settings.

Step 2: Find "Application" pick.

Step 3: Select CCleaner from the list of the installed apps.

Step 4: Click the "Delete" button and wait for the end of the process.

How to uninstall CCleaner?

Lesser Line

CCleaner Professional has a large set of functions and can be useful; nevertheless, it is non mandatory at all. Most of the provided functionality is already available in the system by default and meets the set tasks. The Pro version is a little dissimilar from the standard one, distributed for gratuitous.

Virtually users practise not accumulate enough garbage on the computer for regular cleaning. It is enough to do it near 1-2 times every 6 months. And browser data can exist deleted through its own functionality without launching additional programs. Cleaning the register, every bit practice shows – is an unnecessary thing, in general, as the remaining records after programs have no impact on PC performance since both they and the register themselves practically exercise non occupy infinite. And the marketplace of utilities for cleaning and optimizing the system at the moment can offer much more effective and reliable solutions than CCleaner.


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