How to Make Leather Boots Look New Again

Your shoes say a lot most you. People tin can look at your shoes and tell whether you lot are fashion-forward or like to follow trends. The shoes you wearable, how you wearable them, and yous intendance for them aid people form a get-go impression when meeting you.

This is why you demand to acquire how to take good care of your boots. You tin can make your footwear last longer and look better by learning how to polish leather boots.

What is the all-time manner to shine, smooth and condition boots? Which products should you use? How often should you lot shine your boots?

Let's find out! Here are some methods you should know well-nigh if boots are a staple of your wardrobe.

Method one – How To Polish With Kiwi

Kiwi is one of the most well-known brands of shoe polish. You can purchase Kiwi Shoe polish , Kiwi Shoe Intendance Kit or Deluxe Shine Kit online and at whatsoever major retailer or shoe store.

Kiwi Shoe polish comes in dissimilar colors. You admittedly demand to purchase a spit shine shine or shine paste that matches the color of your boots.

You are going to demand:

  • Your boots
  • A horsehair shine brush .
  • A fabric or rag.
  • An old newspaper.
  • Leather kick polish. You lot can utilize shine paste or spit smoothen polish.
  • A shoe polish brush (simply if you use shine paste).

Take a few minutes to sentinel this video earlier you get started:

Here is how you tin can get your boots looking shiny and spotless with some Kiwi shine:

  • Use a fabric to wipe your boots make clean. Utilize some water if you need to.
  • Let your boots dry out if you lot used water to clean them.
  • Open an onetime newspaper on the floor and so you don't accidently get polish on your carpet or vinyl flooring.
  • Use the horsehair smooth castor to clean your boots.
  • Remove the shoe laces to avoid getting smoothen on them.
  • If yous use spit smooth smoothen, rub the applicator over the kicking in small circular motions. If you use a polish paste, you will need to apply the paste with the shoe smoothen brush. Make sure at that place is just a small quantity of smoothen on the castor, and apply small circular motions.
  • Apply the cloth to get rid of backlog smoothen and shine your shoes.
  • Let the shoes dry.

Pro tip: employ a cotton ball dipped in shoe polish to get some actress shine on your heel and toe.

There are other brands of shoe polish you can employ for your boots, just Kiwi has been around for more than a century and is known for making quality products.

leather boot polish

Photo by JamesDeMers Licensed nether CC0

Pro tip: keep all the items y'all need to smoothen and polish your shoes in a small box to make your own shoe smooth kit.

If you wear your boots on a daily footing, you should smooth them at to the lowest degree twice a month.

You might but need to shine your shoes twice a year for a pair that you habiliment on a few occasions.

Note that shoes with a sleeky finish such equally constabulary boots will need to exist shined more than regularly since they will quickly start looking dull if you don't properly accept care of them.


  • Shining your shoes will make them look brand new.
  • This is something you can easily practise at home.
  • Shone polish is inexpensive and nourishes the leather of your boots.


  • Shoe polish stains are hard to get rid of.
  • Your boots will look shiny and glossy when y'all are done, which might non exist the wait you want.

Method 2 – How To Shine Boots Without Polish

Yous might not become the same results equally you would with a quality shoe polish, simply you lot can clean and polish your boots with some things y'all probably have around your home. This is good to know in example you run out of shoe polish or want to shine your shoes without making them look too sleeky.

We're not talking well-nigh a spit shine. At that place are common household items that will nourish the leather of your favorite pair of boots and brand them look brand new.

These items are:

  • Olive oil.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Banana peel.
  • Vinegar
  • Petroleum jelly.

Here is a helpful video that volition show you how to shine your shoes with olive oil:

Each one of these household items has its pros and cons:

  • Olive oil and vegetable oil might leave a slight olfactory property behind but will nourish the leather of your boots. Yous will get a very noticeable glossy look with this method.
  • Using a assistant peel is a better alternative if you want a less noticeable gloss, but a banana peel won't nourish the leather like oil would.
  • Vinegar is great for scuff marks but will exit a smell behind.
  • Petroleum jelly can repair small cracks in the leather and nourish it. Dealing with the excess Petroleum jelly can get messy.

Here is what y'all will need if you determine to utilize any of these items to shine your shoes:

  • A cloth or rag.
  • An sometime newspaper.
  • A small recipient if you make up one's mind to use oil or vinegar.
  • Cotton assurance for oil, vinegar or Petroleum jelly.

Let'due south get started:

  • Use the cloth or rag to become your boots equally make clean as possible.
  • Lay an quondam newspaper on the floor to forestall stains.
  • If y'all decided to use olive or vegetable oil, vinegar or Petroleum jelly, dip a cotton ball in it.
  • Utilize the cotton ball to rub the oil, vinegar or Petroleum jelly over your boots in small circular motions.
  • If you decided to use a banana peel, all y'all have to do is rub the within of the banana peel on your boots.
  • Utilize the fabric or rag to wipe your boots and get rid of the backlog oil or Petroleum jelly.
  • Let your boots dry.

shine boots without polish

Photo by Succo Licensed under CC0

This is a good alternative to using shoe polish if you don't want to use any chemicals or are out of shoe polish.

Keep in mind that these are methods y'all tin use occasionally but you need to use a quality shoe polish to brand your boots last.

Pro tip:  get rid of scuff marks by applying a minor quantity of vinegar on the area and using a brush with soft bristles to smooth the area.


  • Use any of these items to make your boots await new and shiny in no time.
  • Smooth your boots without using any chemicals.
  • Petroleum jelly tin repair cracks.
  • Vinegar can remove scuff marks.


  • Some of these things volition leave a smell behind.
  • Yous need to use real shoe polish to make your boots last.

Method 3 – How To Condition Boots

Conditioning leather boots makes them more resistant to dirt and dust. Purchasing a pair of military boots can set you dorsum a few hundreds of dollars, which is why yous should expect into making your footwear last.

You can condition boots straight after polishing them, but brand sure the polish has had enough time to dry. You should condition your boots once a twelvemonth simply tin can practise information technology more than often for boots you wear on a daily ground.

conditioning boots

Photo past Quinntheislander Licensed under CC0

Here is what yous volition need:

  • A leather conditioner , or leather oil .
  • A textile.
  • A soft bristle brush.

This video volition walk you through conditioning your favorite pair of boots:

Here is how yous tin can condition your leather boots:

  • Polish your boots and let them dry.
  • Wipe any dust with the fabric.
  • Remove the laces.
  • Use a small quantity of leather conditioner or leather oil.
  • Use the soft bristle castor to work the conditioner or oil into the leather.
  • Apply a second glaze if yous are workout quondam shoes.
  • Permit your boots dry.

Finding the right leather conditioner can be difficult because some products will darken your boots. A product similar Leather Honey should piece of work on all types of leather, but some conditioners and oils are made specifically for smooth-finished leathers while others are made for oil-tanned leather.

Pro tip: use a waterproofing spray on your boots to add a layer of protection against h2o and stains once you are conditioning them.


  • Will brand your boots last longer.
  • Only takes a few minutes.


  • Can darken your boots.

Method 4 - Make Your Ain Leather Conditioner At Home

You might not want to purchase a leather conditioner for an old pair of boots. You tin can brand your own leather conditioner at home with a few elementary ingredients and restore leather shoes, no matter how worn-out they await.

This bootleg leather status nourishes the fabric, makes your shoes wait clean and shiny, and volition reduce the appearance of cracks and scuff marks.

This is what y'all will need to make your own leather conditioner:

  • A toothbrush.
  • 2 cloths or rags.
  • ¼ loving cup olive oil.
  • ¼ cup vinegar.
  • 10 drops of essential oil.

Note that the olive oil by itself is enough to restore leather and make your boots shine, but an essential oil like lavender, lemon, vanilla, or eucalyptus will mask the strong smell of the vinegar. Besides, these essential oils take anti-bacterial properties and will brand your boots cleaner.

leather condition

Photo by Monicore Licensed under CC0

Follow these steps to restore and condition your old leather boots:

  • Mix the olive oil, the vinegar and the essential oil.
  • Apply a cloth or rag to wipe your boots as clean as possible.
  • Dip the toothbrush in your bootleg leather status and brush your boots. Don't be afraid to apply pressure, and spend more time on the areas that expect damaged.
  • Apply the second cloth or rag to remove the excess conditioner that wasn't absorbed past the leather.
  • If the vinegar aroma is notwithstanding noticeable, moisture the cloth or rag and wipe your boots.
  • Wait for your boots to dry.

Pro tip: you can follow these steps again and employ some other coat of conditioner if you aren't fully satisfied with the result. Try a shop-bought conditioner if you are still not happy with the results later applying the homemade conditioner two or 3 times.

Watch this video to get a better idea of how to apply the leather conditioner:

You tin apply a glaze of shine once you have restored your old shoes with this leather conditioner to achieve a shinier look. You probably won't get the same results equally you would with a store-bought leather conditioner, but this is a useful play a trick on y'all should think about using

 if you want to habiliment an old pair of shoes one more fourth dimension and can't justify buying a leather conditioner.

This homemade leather conditioner is also swell for breaking in new boots. If y'all purchased a pair of leather kick that feel too potent, follow the steps listed to a higher place and the olive oil should soften the leather and give information technology a suppler feel.

At that place is no demand to employ the vinegar since you are not trying to remove any stains.


  • Quick fashion to brand old boots await new again.
  • Your boots will look clean and shiny.
  • Yous might already take the ingredients at home.


  • Not as efficient equally a store-bought leather conditioner.
  • The vinegar smells.


Did you find these tips on how to smoothen boots useful? Were you already familiar with some of these methods? Take a few seconds to share this article and let us know what you thought in the comments.

If yous make up one's mind to use some of the polishing and shining methods discussed to a higher place, share your experience with us. Let us know about the products yous used and what you lot thought about them. And share some earlier and afterwards pictures of your boots, we honey to come across one-time boots completely transformed with a little chip of leather oil!


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